Pre-Planning Dental Treatment

“You fail to plan, you plan to fail!”

Perfecting esthetics on plaster models using warm wax to “create” the optimal smile whether for a single crown, implant, veneer or bridge.

Heinle Dental knows the importance of pre-planning dental treatment – both for small and more extensive restoration cases. Pre-planning allows us to anticipate some of the variables that can occur in dental restorations – crowns, implants, veneers and bridges. By putting some extra “up-front” work into our treatment plans, we can “plan” for potential complications or changes – this means a more predictable and very best quality outcome which saves our valued patients’ time, money and discomfort!

To help us achieve the absolute best possible results in any treatment, we take full arch impressions of the patient’s upper & lower jaw. How the permanent restoration “fits” is based in these prep stages which includes perfect models of the teeth. We also measure our patients’ jaw in relation to their facial features and composition by using a “face-bow” – this instrument replicates how the jaw, mouth, teeth and face work together as the patients bites. The models are then mounted to an articulator which acts as “jaws” so that Dr. Heinle and his team can fabricate the final restorations to fit your bite as perfect as possible!

Plaster model of a patient’s lower arch in need of implants and the after model with the “wax-up” completed

For extensive dental treatment plans and cosmetic and anterior restorations, we also design a custom “wax-up” of what the final restoration (crowns, implants, veneers, bridges) will look like. The wax-up is done right on the custom model so that our patients can see exactly what their new teeth will look like – and a wax-up allows Dr. Heinle and his team to make any custom changes including shading and color and size/shape of the final restoration before it’s fabricated in the lab. Our patient’s opinion of their “wax-up” is very important to us – we want them to be perfectly happy with the end result. We encourage our patients to take an active role in the pre-planning of their dental treatment.

Also, this extra step allows for a thorough evaluation of the dental work’s function prior to final fabrication – completely custom, quality, long-lasting dental work! Also, we take lots of photos that are great to document the impact quality dentistry can have on your life – it’s amazing to see the before & after pics! Our patients take an active role in the pre-planning of their dental work – a real team effort!

By doing the extra steps and putting extra effort into planning, Heinle Dental can deliver the best dental work available – pre-planning takes the guess work out of dental treatment and gives our patients beautiful smiles for a lifetime!

Before & After of Veneers, Implants & Crowns